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#46: see, takako, this is what happens when you DON’T ask cassandra for advice on what to wear for a date

#46: see, takako, this is what happens when you DON’T ask cassandra for advice on what to wear for a date published on 9 Comments on #46: see, takako, this is what happens when you DON’T ask cassandra for advice on what to wear for a date

seriously is that some kind of glow in the dark rainbow waist-length chlamys? is… is that’s what’s happening, takako?

yikes. yikes.


hey btw ive been meaning to ask, why does cassie always call her “kiyohara” instead of “takako”?

when cassandra and takako first started talking over voicechat (they’d originally met on a marish-language mmo server and just typed at one another in marish), cassandra’s kyokanese was way less confident than it is now, and she wasn’t really sure what level of formality she should be aiming for so she erred on the side of excessive politeness and takako thought it was hilarious

now cassandra still calls her “kiyohara” as a kind of in-joke even though they’re well past the point where they’d be on a first name basis

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