Interesting; I had through that D-pad was a trade mark.
She’s an officially licensed Takako, of course.
So I just learned the other day that in Egyptian Hieroglyphic inscriptions, there’s always a bird at the beginning that indicates the reading direction by following the direction the bird is looking. It has no meaning of its own, just a “Start here and go that way” symbol.
Makes me think that the Kapteyn sequence (nice title pun, BTW) means something like “Hey, this is important!”
Interesting; I had through that D-pad was a trade mark.
She’s an officially licensed Takako, of course.
So I just learned the other day that in Egyptian Hieroglyphic inscriptions, there’s always a bird at the beginning that indicates the reading direction by following the direction the bird is looking. It has no meaning of its own, just a “Start here and go that way” symbol.
Makes me think that the Kapteyn sequence (nice title pun, BTW) means something like “Hey, this is important!”